Fashion Building, Kyoto
Client: Anne Monnet
Location: Kyoto, Kansai – Japan
Chronology: 1986/1987
Assecondando la natura del terreno, la struttura è posta sul punto più alto del lotto, a cui si accede tanto da un ingresso in galleria, quanto da una scalinata a terrazzamenti del giardino. Orientata lungo l’asse Nord-Sud, si apre a differenti angoli visuali verso l’esterno scanditi da ampie aperture. Intonaco esterno in pietra tritata, pavimentazioni interne in cotto e legno.
Following the terrain conformation, the structure rises on the very top of a little mound. Access is made possible both from an entrance opened in the walkway and from a door at the top of the terracing staircase set in the garden. The front of the building, which is aligned along a north-south axis, is scanned by large windows. The outer walls are coated in a ground stone plastering, the floors inside are paved in cotto and wood.